
How to stop hair thinning

Thinning Hair

Hair is an important part of your personality and healthy hair is desired by many. When you have great hair, you can sport various hairstyles and experiment with several types of hairdos. There are various ways in which you can have thick hair, just by making some changes in your diet and lifestyle. Sometimes, people face thinning hair problems, which is resolvable via treatment for thinning hair. The important thing is to find the cause and treat it at the root. Once done, you could enjoy great hair. Let us look at the causes and ways in which you can stop thinning hair .

Here at Midas, we provide the best hair treatment in Borivali from the best hair specialist in Borivali. This treatment for thinning hair has had proven results.

What are thin hair causes?

What causes hair thinning

There could be a variety of causes of thinning hair such as family history, hormonal changes, or some medications and supplements. While heredity is the most common type of cause of hair loss. Generally, with aging, hair loss could take place. Whereas, when the hormonal changes occur, thinning hair might take place. Some radiation therapy to the head or medications can result in hair loss. Sometimes, hairstyles and treatments could also cause thinning hair.

Moreover, stress could be one of the reasons for thinning hair . Avoid stress in all situations as it is not good for the hair, skin, and the entire being. Whenever you feel stressed, just do meditation and chant, if you are a God-believer. Do breathing exercises and watch some comedy shows or funny videos. Talk to people if you enjoy talking to them and only if the conversation is filled with fun and laughter. Just surround yourself with fun and happiness and keep stress at bay, always. Maintaining a good mood and having a joyous approach towards life could solve all your problems in one go. Make the most of each moment and enjoy the present. When you have fun at this moment, looking back, you will not have any regrets as you will have made the most of every moment. This will resolve your hair, skin, and all issues, all at once.

How often should you wash thinning hair?

How often should you wash thinning hair

Several experts recommend washing your hair at least 3 to 4 times every week. Although, it is advised to use a mild shampoo for this purpose. Some people also wash their hair using a baby shampoo so that it is not that harsh on your hair. In the olden days, people used to wash their hair with curd to avoid dandruff and naturally cleanse their hair.

Tips to stop hair from thinning

thick hairs

There are a variety of ways in which you can stop your thinning hair. By following certain tips regularly, you might be able to enjoy healthy and thick hair over time. Following are some tips and tricks for dealing with or reducing hair loss:

  • Regularly washing your hair: Wash your hair regularly using a mild shampoo. Washing 3 to 4 times a week must be enough to maintain good hair quality. This will keep your hair clean and also help in avoiding dandruff to a certain extent. Less dandruff will also help to keep your skin healthy and avoid acne that could arrive because of dandruff.
  • Diet rich in protein and vitamins: We have mentioned a variety of dietary inclusions that could add-on to your daily lifestyle for enjoying good hair. Making small changes in your diet can help you achieve healthy hair.
  • Oil massage: Massaging your hair with essential oils and keeping it overnight can benefit the hair quality. You can also use the warm-towel method, wherein you massage the hair with essential oils and put a warm towel around the head so that the oils are absorbed deep within the scalp. This will aid in taking maximum advantage of the oils.
  • Keep yourself hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Make sure you consume at least three liters of water daily. This could be advantageous for your hair as well as the body as a whole. Just keep a bottle of water with you at all times so that you are reminded on keeping on drinking it.

Here at Midas, we provide the best hair treatment in Borivali from the best hair specialist in Borivali.

Food for thinning hair: Which vitamins are best for hair growth?

What is the best food for thinning hair? Vitamins are great for your skin, hair, and the entire body. It helps to keep you fit and glowing. Now let us look at the vitamins that are beneficial for your hair growth. Choose the below vitamins and add them to your diet, in natural forms, for achieving great hair:

o   Vitamin B:

Vitamin B

For food for thinning hair, vitamin B is a power-packed vitamin. Vitamin B has many advantages apart from hair growth too, and hence, it could be really good for you to add-on to your diet. Milk and cheese are great sources of vitamin B. So, just keep consuming dairy products. If you already drink milk once a day, you could make it twice, in the morning as well as in the night. This will add calcium to your diet as well. Moreover, for added benefits, you can turmeric to your milk at night. This helps to keep the bones healthy as well and you might also enjoy relaxed sleep in this way. In the morning, you could add protein to your diet. There are various healthy protein powders available in the market, in several flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, etc. Just make sure that the powder you are using is healthy and good for you, in every way. There are special ones available for women and kids. Also, you could add banana, dry fruits, and seeds to your milk, making it healthier. Just ensure that you mix it well in a grinder and then drink it. When you grind dry fruits and seeds, they can be absorbed by the system in a better way. Otherwise, you can chew it well as it said to chew food 32 times before consuming it. Soluble foods are good for your digestive system, as it does not have to work hard on breaking the food down.

Fortified foods are also rich in B12 vitamins. You could opt for fortified cereals in your breakfast and you will get the benefit of milk as well as the cereal. Cheese is also recommended for vitamin B12. You can just grate it on your sandwich or whatever dish you like it with. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, and the above foods are proving insufficient in fulfilling your vitamin b12 needs, you could even opt for supplements. Ensure the effectiveness and safety of the supplement before consuming it. But make sure that you have enough of this vitamin.

o   Vitamin A:

For cell growth, vitamin A is an essential one to add to your diet. There are various foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, broccoli, and dairy products. So, next time you make your salad, you can add carrots to it. Just peel and slice your carrot, and add it to any dish or have it raw. Also, you can sautee some vegetables such as broccoli and carrot in ghee, and have it before your meal. This could fulfill your vitamin needs effectively. Furthermore, melons are rich in vitamin A so have enough fruits. Make sure you have five fruit servings daily. If you find it too much, just buy one fruit each on your way to work, such as orange, apple, banana, melon, and papaya. Have it before your meals. You have to work on yourself so that you enjoy a healthy life. And hence, five servings of fruits and vegetables are must-haves which you must add to your daily life. Vitamins will help you with hair growth and provide various other benefits too.

o   Vitamin C:

Vitamin A

This vitamin helps greatly to promote hair growth and avoid thinning hair as well. If you include this vitamin abundantly in your diet, you will be able to enjoy healthy, thick, and black hair for a long time. Also, this vitamin is easily found in foods. Just prepare lemon water in the morning and keep it in a bottle of water. Keep sipping this drink throughout the day. This is a natural way of getting vitamin C. Moreover, oranges are a good source of vitamin C. So, whenever you are free in the day, just peel an orange and have it. Even if you consume 3-4 oranges a day, it could be great for you. For this, you must stock a lot of fruits at your home. Make sure that your home is stocked with these fruits so that you can just have them whenever you want.

o   Vitamin D:

Vitamin D

Sun is a great source of this vitamin. Vitamin D is advantageous to the body in a variety of ways. One thing to make sure of is that you are having this vitamin along with calcium. If your dairy intake is a lot, and you consume milk twice on daily basis, then you might have enough calcium to absorb this vitamin. Just go out in the midday sun three to four times a week. Even if you are relishing this sunlight directly for 10 to 30 minutes every day, it could be great for your vitamin D intake. Make sure you are wearing short sleeves for the sun to be absorbed by your skin properly. You could sit in the sunlight directly, but if it is too much, you could sit in the morning sun. Morning 8 to 10 am sunlight is not that harsh and you will be able to sit for longer. If it is midday, you sit for a shorter while.

o   Iron:


Iron is a building block of the body and hair. Beans, spinach, raisins, apricots, iron-fortified cereals, bread, pasta, peas, etc. are great sources of iron. Just boiling beans in water and having the water any time of the day can prove advantageous. Or you could soak raisins and apricot at night and have it in the morning. Also, Popeye was right about spinach, it is very advantageous for the body. If you do not want to waste time cooking the spinach, you can just take a few leaves and boil them in water. Adding garlic and ginger to this water can boost the benefits of this. Consume it like a soup and also eat the ginger and garlic present in it. You can even just keep spinach in a vessel and leave it on low heat, by adding nothing but a pinch of salt. The spinach will be reduced in a while and you can just ghee-roast it and have it.

o   Protein:


Proteins are essential for good hair. Chickpeas are a great source of protein for vegetarians. You can just boil chickpeas or make hummus, whatever you like. Boiled and crushed chickpeas can be added to be put in a Frankie, rolled, and relished. Green peas are also high in protein, you can add them to your rice preparation or any other suitable dish. Just ensure that they are properly boiled and not raw, which will ease digestion.

FAQs About Thinning Hair

1. How to avoid hair thinning?

  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Avoid excessive heat styling and harsh chemical treatments.
  • Manage stress through relaxation techniques.

2. How often to wash thin hair?

  • Wash thin hair 2-3 times a week to prevent excess oil buildup.
  • Use a sulfate-free, volumizing shampoo for added body.

3. How to cure hair thinning at home?

  • Massage the scalp regularly to stimulate blood flow.
  • Apply natural remedies like aloe vera or castor oil to nourish hair.

4. How to fight hair thinning?

  • Consider using hair growth products with minoxidil.
  • Consult a hair specialist for personalized treatment options.

5. How to prevent thinning of hair?

  • Protect hair from sun damage with hats or UV-protective products.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on the hair shaft.

6. How to reduce hair thinning?

  • Consume a diet rich in proteins, iron, and biotin.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb to detangle wet hair gently.

7. How to stop excessive hair fall?

  • Identify and address underlying health issues.
  • Use a gentle hairbrush and avoid excessive styling.

8. How to stop hair thinning?

  • Consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.
  • Adopt a hair care routine that promotes thickness and strength.

9. How to stop severe hair fall?

  • Seek medical advice to identify the root cause.
  • Consider topical treatments or prescription medications.


10. How to treat hair thinning?

  • Explore professional treatments like Hair PRP therapy.
  • Use products containing ingredients like keratin and collagen for added strength.


Overall, with the above suggestions and tips, you might be able to achieve healthy hair. Just do not stress over anything if you want a treatment for thinning hair. Maintaining a positive outlook and a joyous approach towards life could solve all your issues, all at once. Follow the tips and lifestyle changes, sleep well, exercise, and stay fit. Laugh and live happily in the moment and you will notice better hair and skin. Also, your mind and body will be relaxed that will help in keeping you healthy till you are in your old-age. One thing to remember is that when you are old, you must not regret looking back. You must be satisfied that you have lived each moment well, without taking any stress, and automatically, when you live in such a way, your thin hair causes, skin, and entire body will glow with fitness and wellbeing.

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