Clinical Diet

Clinical Diet

Midas Wellness Hub, conveniently located in I.C. Colony, Borivali, offers a comprehensive approach to your well-being. Led by Shibani Staney, a certified Cosmetologist, Trichologist, Obesity Consultant with a fellowship in Clinical Nutrition, we provide personalized clinical diet plans tailored to address your specific needs and health goals.

Let’s get into the world of clinical diets, explaining their benefits and how they differ from typical dietary advice.

What is a Clinical Diet?

A clinical diet is a specialized approach to nutrition designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with medical conditions or health concerns. It goes beyond general dietary recommendations and utilizes food as a therapeutic tool to manage or treat various health issues. Clinical diets are typically implemented in clinical settings like hospitals, clinics, and rehabilitation centers under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professionals at Midas Wellness Hub.

Clinical Diet vs. Normal Diet: Understanding the Key  Differences

Individualised Approach:

  • Clinical Diet: Tailored to your specific medical history, current health status, lab results, medications, and nutritional needs.
  • Normal Diet: General guidelines that may not address individual health concerns.


  • Clinical Diet: Designed to manage specific medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, digestive disorders, kidney disease, cancer, and food allergies.
  • Normal Diet: Promotes overall health and well-being without targeting specific health issues.

Nutrient Composition:

  • Clinical Diet: Precisely controls nutrient intake based on your condition. This may involve limiting sodium, phosphorus, or potassium for kidney disease or monitoring carbohydrates for diabetes.
  • Normal Diet: Generally focuses on overall nutritional adequacy without the same level of precision.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Clinical Diet: Requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments based on your response and progress. This may involve regular consultations with our health experts.
  • Normal Diet: Lacks ongoing monitoring and adjustments.

Integration with Medical Treatment:

  • Clinical Diet: An integral part of your medical treatment plan, working synergistically with medications, therapies, and other interventions.
  • Normal Diet: Not directly linked to specific medical treatment.

Education and Counseling:

  • Clinical Diet: Our health experts will provide extensive education and counseling to empower you with the knowledge to make informed food choices and develop sustainable eating habits aligned with your health goals.
  • Normal Diet: May not involve the same level of education and support.

The Power of Clinical Diets: Managing Health Through Nutrition

Clinical diets play a vital role in promoting overall well-being by:

  • Optimizing Nutrient Intake: Ensuring you receive the essential nutrients your body needs to function optimally and support healing.
  • Managing Medical Conditions: Aiding in the treatment and management of various health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and digestive disorders.
  • Promoting Weight Management: Helping you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, which can significantly improve your overall health.
  • Boosting Energy Levels: Providing your body with the fuel it needs to feel energized and support an active lifestyle.
  • Improving Overall Health and Well-being: Contributing to a stronger immune system, better sleep, improved cognitive function, and a healthier outlook on life.

Beyond Macronutrients: Exploring the Nuances of Clinical Diets

Clinical diets extend beyond simply counting calories and macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat). At Midas Wellness Hub,we take a holistic approach, considering various factors when designing your personalized plan:

  • Micronutrients: Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in various bodily functions. Your clinical diet may emphasize specific micronutrients based on your needs. For example, individuals with anemia may require increased iron intake, while those with kidney disease may need to limit potassium.
  • Food Habits and Preferences: We understand that successful dietary changes require sustainable practices. We will incorporate your existing food preferences and cultural background into the plan, making it easier to adhere to in the long run.
  • Lifestyle Considerations: Your daily routine, activity level, and work schedule are factored in. The plan will be tailored to accommodate your lifestyle and ensure it aligns with your daily needs.
  • Medical History and Medications: Any existing medical conditions and medications you’re taking are taken into account. The diet will be designed to complement your medical treatment and avoid potential interactions with medications.
  • Food Allergies and Intolerances: If you have any food allergies or intolerances, We will develop a plan that excludes these triggers, ensuring your safety and managing any related symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Body Contouring Treatment in Mumbai

Anyone with a medical condition or health concern can potentially benefit from a clinical diet. We can assess your individual needs and determine if a clinical diet is the right approach for you.

During your initial consultation with Midas, we will discuss your medical history, current health status, dietary habits, lifestyle, and any medications you’re taking. We may also review lab results if available. Based on this information, we will create a personalized clinical diet plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

The duration of your clinical diet will depend on your specific condition and goals. We will monitor your progress and adjust the plan as needed. In some cases, a clinical diet may be a long-term strategy for managing your health.

Some insurance plans may cover consultations with qualified healthcare professionals at Midas for developing a clinical diet plan. We recommend checking with your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage.

 We will work with you to create a plan that accommodates your dietary restrictions and preferences. Whether you’re vegetarian, vegan, or have specific allergies, we can design a plan that is both nutritious and enjoyable.

At Midas Wellness Hub, we believe that food is medicine. A personalised clinical diet plan, crafted by Midas, can be a powerful tool for managing your health, promoting well-being, and achieving your optimal health goals.

Schedule your initial consultation today and embark on a journey of transformation with the guidance of our expert!

Contact us at  (+91) 75060-19315/(+91) 80970-32372 or book online through our website. Together, let’s unlock your full potential for a healthy and vibrant life!

Book an Appointment for Clinical Diet Treatment in Borivali, Mumbai!