
Best Hair Treatments to Remedy Damaged Strands

best hair treatment


Hair is one of the most striking components of our personality and adds to the aesthetic appeal of an individual. We at Midas, abiding by the tenets of the philosophy of Aesthetics, believe in revealing one’s inner beauty by enhancing the outer appearance. Apart from the appeal factor, the hair also acts as a protecting agent, keeping our head warm and protecting the skull from any direct impact of the elements. Hair tends to become a part of our identity, thus can impact confidence and self-esteem. However, as much as hair is prominent, it is subjected to maximum threats via pollution, chemicals, toxic elements, etc. Enduring such hazards renders our hair damaged to a great extent. Thus, haircare becomes essential, acting as a remedy for your hair problems. Read ahead to know more about hair problems and treatments. Here at Midas Aesthetics, the hair problem specialist in Borivali, provide the best solutions for problems related to hair loss in Borivali. 

What Causes Hair to Become Damaged?

Hair damage can occur due to many reasons, and often they are not in our control. Hair damage may involve an array of issues, but it is basically damaging the outer layer of the hair, i.e. the cuticle. This, apart from damaging your hair, also leads to degradation of the quality of your hair further. Some of the common causes that lead to hair damage include:

  • Genetics: Genes play a significant role in determining your hair condition. Certain genetic combinations and patterns that run hereditarily in the family can be the reason for damaged hair, especially hair loss problems. Though such causes cannot be overturned completely, through thorough hair care routine one can expect specific replenishment and prevent further damage.
  • Medical history: Certain health conditions like thyroid also impact your hair health and may cause excessive hair loss or severe damage. It is observed that often various hair-related problems are indicators of underlying medical conditions.
  • Poor nutrition: Hair cells are one of the fastest-growing cells in the human body. Balanced and healthy food intake is necessary, and any imbalance or deficiency will cause hair-related problems. Insufficient amounts of minerals, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants and calories will weaken your hair, making it more susceptible to damages.
  • Humidity: High humidity in the atmosphere is one of the major enemies of your hair. It leads to more moisture absorption, which interferes with the chemical composition of your hair, thereby causing damage and weakening it. In addition, it makes the strands weak, thus making the hair more prone to breakage.
  • Sun exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun is harmful as the UV rays damage the outer cuticle layer of hair, thus exposing the hair to other hazards. Damage caused by the sun can lead to dryness, frizziness, breakage and much more.
  • Chemical Products: The chemical products due to the abrasive components may severely damage your hair. Certain products like dyes, shampoo, serums, conditioners can have chemicals that may impact your hair health. Parabens, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate and other chemicals which are commonly seen in various hair products can prove lethal for your hair. They impact not only the hair but also the hair follicles and scalp.
  • Age: As one ages, the strength and quality of the hair keep reducing. Greying begins as a result of less melanin production, and hair loss begins as a result of the weakening of hair follicles.
  • Stress: Stress is one of the significant causes of hair damage in the form of hair loss. Stress often sends the hair follicles to a resting phase, thereby inhibiting new hair growth and weakening the hair strands.
  • Pregnancy: Due to various hormonal changes during pregnancy, one can often experience deteriorating hair health. The issues often faced include hair growth problems, hair thinning and a generally depleted hair quality.
  • Extreme weight loss: Weight loss procedure is considered stress for the body, leading to excessive hair fall and may deteriorate hair condition. It may lead to Telogen effluvium, a form of temporary hair loss. Hormonal changes, calorie restriction and deficiency in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals during weight loss add to the problem of hair damage.
  • Scalp condition: Scalp is the nurturing ground for healthy hair. However, improper scalp conditions may obstruct prosperous hair health and cause severe damage. It directly affects the hair follicles, which in turn tapers hair condition, damaging it.


The Best Ways to Repair, Treat & Fix Damaged Hair

Though often hair damages are unavoidable, there are various ways which one can adopt as a part of their hair care routine that will help in repairing, treating and fixing damaged hair.

 Using a medicated shampoo and conditioner is preferable since hair experts especially suggest it based on your specific hair type and condition, thereby providing better nourishment to your hair.

It would help if you tried to keep your scalp dry as excessive moisture is not good for the hair causing hair breakage and damage.

 It is ideal to wash your hair three times a week. Using a non-chemical-based serum can keep your hair adequately hydrated and frizz-free and thus boosting your hair condition.

Apart from the hair care regime, you should strictly monitor your food intake and try to have a balanced and nutritional diet, including proportionate amounts of vitamins and proteins.

Oiling your scalp once a week is a healthy practice as it provides a nourishing boost to your hair, inducing favourable hair conditions.

A stress-free life is one the most important requirements to maintain, repair, treat and fix damaged hair as stress can cause hormonal imbalance, which strongly impacts your hair.

Lastly, regular visits to your hair specialist are crucial as they are the best advisers and caregivers for promoting hair health with their specialised knowledge.

Here at Midas, we provide you with the best hair treatment in Borivali to get long and healthy hair. We specialise in hair problems and treatment and provide the necessary consultation guiding you about your hair loss problems in Borivali and its requirements.

How Can We Help You Set a Routine for Your Damaged Hair?

Hair damage to some extent is inevitable. However, it is not always a matter of external sources like shampoo, conditioner and serum. You need to be also very particular about your diet, which should include sufficient amounts of vitamins and antioxidants and vital nutrients. Here at Midas, we suggest hair treatments along with a diet plan and supplements to support your nutrition. In addition, we, as hair problem specialists, provide comprehensive damaged hair treatment and hair care tips that will help repair, treat and fix your hair like never before.

Reach out to us or visit our hair treatment clinic in Borivali for effective hair problem solutions.

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